Cardiff Royal Infirmary Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Cardiff Royal Infirmary is +44 29 2049 2233 .
The Cardiff Royal Infirmary or CRI is a hospital of the Heart of Cardiff, a city of the United Kingdom of Wales. The hospital was started as Cardiff Dispensary in the year 1822, and it was transformed to current location in 1837, when it was called as King Edward Hospital. The hospital was came to be known as current name since 1923, and that time, it had only total 100 beds. With the growing population of Cardiff, it increased to 500 beds. The hospital is managed by a NHS organisation, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board who also managed eight other hospitals and Seventeen health centres across the country. The address and contact number of Cardiff Royal Infirmary is also used for Cardiff Royal Infirmary Parking, Cardiff Royal Infirmary History, Cardiff Royal Infirmary Family Planning Clinic, Cardiff Royal Infirmary Podiatry, Cardiff Royal Infirmary A and E and Cardiff Royal Infirmary West Wing.

Cardiff Royal Infirmary Address

The address of Cardiff Royal Infirmary is Glossops Terrace, Newport Rd, Cardiff, South Glamorgan CF24 0SZ, United Kingdom.

Cardiff Royal Infirmary Website

The Website of Cardiff Royal Infirmary is

Cardiff Royal Infirmary Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Cardiff Royal Infirmary is +44 29 2049 2233 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Cardiff Royal Infirmary Service Center and Cardiff Royal Infirmary customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Cardiff Royal Infirmary customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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