Lloyds Tsb Newport Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Lloyds Tsb Newport is +44 845 300 0000 .
Lloyds TSB Newport is a branch office of the famous British bank in Newport City of United Kingdom through the merger of two other banks known as Lloyds Bank founded way back in the year 1765 and TSB group. The bank offers several banking and insurance products to the custom. The bank was renamed as Lloyds Banking Group in the year 2009 following its acquisition by Lloyds Tsb Group. The bank was declared defunct in the year 2013 and that made it again to change its name to its previous name. The bank holds its Head Office in the capital city of United Kingdom i.e. London. The address and contact number of Lloyds Tsb Newport is also used for Lloyds Tsb Newport Shropshire, Lloyds Tsb Newport Commercial Street, Lloyds Tsb Newport Isle of Wight, Lloyds Tsb Newport Road Cardiff and Lloyds Tsb Newport Pagnell.

Lloyds Tsb Newport Address

The address of Lloyds Tsb Newport is 110 Chepstow Rd Newport, Gwent NP19 8EE, United Kingdom.

Lloyds Tsb Newport Website

The Website of Lloyds Tsb Newport is www.lloydstsb.com.

Lloyds Tsb Newport Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Lloyds Tsb Newport is +44 845 300 0000 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Lloyds Tsb Newport Service Center and Lloyds Tsb Newport customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Lloyds Tsb Newport customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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