York Fairgrounds Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of York Fairgrounds is 717-848-2596 .
York Fair is an annually fair which is held at 334 Carlisle Avenue, York, Pennsylvania, United States. York Fair was started in the year 1765. It is known as America’s first fair. The fair gives you two day agricultural Market which is organised in Penn Park. Later on, Agricultural society is formed that started organising this market for three days. Once this fair ground was to be used as temporary hospital for injured soldier. After the second world many establishment are done in this fair ground. The ground included exhibition buildig, memorial hall, and the fair started going for ten days long. In 2003, new arena is developed for the fair which coulde be enough for livestock events. Besides this, the ground also used for conventions, car shows, political rally and trade shows. The address and contact number of York Fairgrounds is also used for York Fairgrounds Concerts, York Fairgrounds Car Show, York Fairgrounds Seating Chart, York Fairgrounds Gun Show, York Fairgrounds Flat Track Racing and York Fairgrounds Jeep Show.

York Fairgrounds Address

The address of York Fairgrounds is The York Fairgrounds, 334 Carlisle Avenue, York, PA 17404, United States.

York Fairgrounds Email Address

The email address of York Fairgrounds is information@yorkfair.org.

York Fairgrounds Website

The Website of York Fairgrounds is www.yorkfair.org.

York Fairgrounds Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of York Fairgrounds is 717-848-2596 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of York Fairgrounds Service Center and York Fairgrounds customer phone number is given below. The helpline of York Fairgrounds customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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