Inflibnet Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Inflibnet is +91-79-23268201, Fax No:+91-79-23268111 .
INFLIBNET is engaged in creating facilities for splitting of information resources and library and services among educational and research organizations which also known as Information and Library Network. It provides various services including Document Delivery through JCCC, Library, Bibliographic Union Database, Walk-in Users, Soul Support and Print Archieves. INFLIBNET was formed in 1991 by the University Grants Commission (UGC) with main operating office situated in Gujarat University Campus, Ahmedabad, that's becoming a leading National Programme in the country. The centre is involved in modernizing of university libraries in the nation and linking them as well as information centres in India with a country-wide high-speed information system. To now more information about the INFLIBNET, visit on the official website. The address and contact number of Inflibnet is also used for Inflibnet Consortium, Inflibnet Theses, Inflibnet Jobs, Inflibnet Soul, Inflibnet Journals and Inflibnet Services.

Inflibnet Address

The address of Inflibnet is Infocity Gandhinagar-382007, Gujarat, India.

Inflibnet Email Address

The email address of Inflibnet is

Inflibnet Website

The Website of Inflibnet is

Inflibnet Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Inflibnet is +91-79-23268201, Fax No:+91-79-23268111 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Inflibnet Service Center and Inflibnet customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Inflibnet customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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