Delta City Hall Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Delta City Hall is (604) 946-4141 .
The corporation of Delta is running their functions since 1879 when first incorporated mayor and council was appointed by the authorities. It was established with the Aim for the progress of the delta. The mayor and six councilors started municipal council.
Their primary functions was to establish administration policy to adopt by laws, levy taxes, governing matters, dispose the city assets. Fourteen departments were established by the department as they are: Office of the chief administration, Office of municipal Park, legal services, Community planning and development, Engineering, finance, fire and emergency service, Human resources and corporation planning, Parks, recreation and culture and Police. Each department has different duties regarding their services. They serve to the people of the delta. The community and development department prepares plan & policies related to the use of the land, health, safety& welfare of the people of delta. They also advice on the development for the land. It is closed on weekends. The mayor look after the work of all other departments. He also made policies with the advice of the members of the council for the betterment of the residents of the delta. He try to maintain Peace in the city. His duty is to inspecting & directing officers & e4mployees. He serves as chair person of the delta police board. He is the president of council meetings. The duty of the council is to provide good government for it’s community. Provide work, service and facilities. They held regular meetings. Their main motive is to make policies for the betterment for the citizens of delta.

Delta City Hall Address

The address of Delta City Hall is 4500, Clarence Taylor, Crescent Delta, BC Canada, V4K 3E2.

Delta City Hall Email Address

The email address of Delta City Hall is

Delta City Hall Website

The Website of Delta City Hall is

Delta City Hall Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Delta City Hall is (604) 946-4141 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Delta City Hall Service Center and Delta City Hall customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Delta City Hall customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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