Inox Goa Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Inox Goa is +91-832-2420900, +91-832-2420999 .
Inox is known with a name of Inox Leisure Limited which is basically a multiplex located in Goa, India. The multiplex was established in Goa and all major Indian cities for entertainment sake. The multiplex displays a lot of new Hollywood, Bollywood and other movies. The multiplex attracts a lot of movie fans all over the city. Inox Cinema theater is packed to its capacity with the release of new flicks which is mainly during weekends. Besides this, the theaters also contains food courts, restaurants, outlets and kids gaming section with the only Aim to draw attention of maximum customers. The multiplex also provides online ticket booking service to any of its theater located all across India. Many celebrities related to cinema visits the Inox multiplexes for promotion which attracts a large amount of audience. The address and contact number of Inox Goa is also used for inox Goa ticket price, inox cinema in Goa,
inox Goa book my show
and inox Goa upcoming movies

Inox Goa Address

The address of Inox Goa is INOX Leisure Limited Old GMC Heritage PrecinctD.B. Road, Campal, R. Geral BĂ©nard Guedes, Panjim, Goa, 403001, India ?.

Inox Goa Website

The Website of Inox Goa is

Inox Goa Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Inox Goa is +91-832-2420900, +91-832-2420999 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Inox Goa Service Center and Inox Goa customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Inox Goa customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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