Chief Labour Commissioner Central Delhi Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Chief Labour Commissioner Central Delhi is +011 23710447 .
Chief Labour Commissioner is a head of Labour commission which is a government department of India. The commission is the legal authority which was set up to protect the interest of workers in the country. The main functions of commission are to protect the right of every worker, provide social and work safety and health, make policy against an illegal labour from minors, maintains relations between labours and industries, solve disputes, workers literacy, work practices and training to labours and also emigration of labour to foreign countries etc. The Chief Labour Commissioner along with others subordinates officer makes all possible efforts in providing all mentioned services to all workers. The commission has successfully passed 44 statues till year 2011 for welfare of labours. The address and contact number of Chief Labour Commissioner Central Delhi is also used for Chief Labour Commissioner central minimum wages and Labour Delhi Govt.

Chief Labour Commissioner Central Delhi Address

The address of Chief Labour Commissioner Central Delhi is Civil Lines, New Delhi, Delhi (state), India.

Chief Labour Commissioner Central Delhi Email Address

The email address of Chief Labour Commissioner Central Delhi is

Chief Labour Commissioner Central Delhi Website

The Website of Chief Labour Commissioner Central Delhi is

Chief Labour Commissioner Central Delhi Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Chief Labour Commissioner Central Delhi is +011 23710447 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Chief Labour Commissioner Central Delhi Service Center and Chief Labour Commissioner Central Delhi customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Chief Labour Commissioner Central Delhi customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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