Daiso Singapore Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Daiso Singapore is 68849210 .
Daiso is a place where customers can acquire a new value that cannot be in comparison to current one-dollar shops. It is a largest franchise possessed by Daiso Sangyo Corporation in Japan. The purpose of the Daiso is to offers surprise and pleasure to its customers all over the Globe by offering exclusive value and by using a high level system that cannot be provided by anyone else. The Daiso stores in Singapore are situated in different malls: Plaza Singapore, Bukit Panjang Plaza, Chinatown Point, Rivervale Mall, IMM Mall, Vivocity etc. Till 2008, eight stores have existed in Singapore, ninth and tenth store has opened in 2012 with the name of Chinatown Point and Tampines 1. In Daiso Stores people of Singapore enjoy variety, uniqueness of products and high-quality products at low price. Daiso has a variety of over 100,000 products, of which over 40 % are imported and others are from Chinese suppliers and own-brand products. Daiso has a direct dealing with manufacturers in large volume that keeps price low. It also establishes close connection and relationship with its customers, which plays major role in success of every business. Daiso Invest a lot of money on racks and fixtures to help the stores compete with more high-end suppliers.

Daiso Singapore Address

The address of Daiso Singapore is 68, Orchard Road, #05-01/02/03 Plaza, Singapore.

Daiso Singapore Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Daiso Singapore is 68849210 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Daiso Singapore Service Center and Daiso Singapore customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Daiso Singapore customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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