Monocton Train Station Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Monocton Train Station is (506) 857-9830 .
The Moncton train station is situated in Moncton city on the 1240 Main Street in NB in Canada. In Moncton, it is only the Point of junction. It is the largest station in NB. It is connected to the Acadian Bus Lines and Ocean Passenger is the train that passes from the station to the other cities. It consists of three tracks and also consists of a space for parking. You can either park your vehicles for short period or long period and you have to pay different rates. The point of Junction preceding the Moncton Train Station is the Rogersville and the next junction point is the Sackville. You can also travel by train if you are confined to wheelchair.
You can use the wheelchair for various purposes such as going inside the station, to the ticket counter, washroom, and in the train. You can also avail the wheelchair lift. Various types of services are available within the station area such as baggage cart, newspapers, taxi, vending machine, washroom, Automated Banking machine, telephones and Interac tax payment. You can also avail different products such as Via gift card, Canrailpass, Via 6 pak, etc. This station does not operate on Wednesday. This railway station is also known as ‘Ocean’.
You can reach anywhere between Halifax, NS to Montreal Que.

Monocton Train Station Address

The address of Monocton Train Station is 1240, Main Street, Moncton, NB, E1C 0E6, Canada.

Monocton Train Station Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Monocton Train Station is (506) 857-9830 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Monocton Train Station Service Center and Monocton Train Station customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Monocton Train Station customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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