Salve Regina University Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Salve Regina University is +1 401-847-6650 .
Salve Regina University is a private university located in Newport, Rhode Island, USA. It was founded in the year 1934 as Salve Regina College under a charter of Rhode Island State by Sisters of Mercy, a Catholic religious institute. The charter was amended and the college was granted the status of university in the year 1991, to become Salve Regina University.
The university has 18 different departments under which it offers its various courses namely Political Science, Nursing, Philosophy, English, Psychology, Art, Chemistry, Biomedical and Biological Sciences, Economics and Business Studies, Administration of Justice, Sociology and Anthropology, Theological and Religious Studies, Mathematics, Classical and Modern Languages, Social Work, Performing Arts and Education.
The courses range from under-graduate to graduate. The university also offers special courses for adults who want to continue further studies. These are offered at Centre for Adult Education in Warwick, Rhode Island, university's satellite campus. It also offers international courses and special courses. All the courses are based on semester system.
The campus of the university is situated at Ochre Point area in Newport, which is spread in an area of 80 acres and has 51 buildings. Notable buildings are McAuley Hall which has faculty offices and is also used for student meetings; Ochre Court which is university's main administrative building; McKillop Library built in 1991; William Watts Sherman House, Founders Hall and Conley Hall used for students' residence, Antone Academic Centre for Culture and Art; Young Building which has the Pell Centre for International and Public Relations. Its satellite campuses are located in Warwick, Women and Infants Hospital, Kent County Memorial Hospital and Newport Hospital.
To promote sports in the campus, the University has an affiliated membership of New England Football Conference and Commonwealth Coast Conference. It offers 10 sports to women namely- lacrosse, tennis, cross country, volleyball, track and field, soccer, basketball, ice hockey, softball and field hockey and 8 sports to men viz.- soccer, ice hockey, cross country, football, lacrosse, tennis, basketball and baseball. Sailing is also offered which is a coeducational sport.

Salve Regina University Address

The address of Salve Regina University is 100, Ochre Point Avenue, Newport, RI 02840, United States.

Salve Regina University Website

The Website of Salve Regina University is

Salve Regina University Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Salve Regina University is +1 401-847-6650 (Click phone number to call).

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