Inox Bharuch Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Inox Bharuch is +91- 2642-228833, +91- 2642-228844 .
INOX Leisure Limited is a multiplex chain of Inox group. Headquartered in Mumbai, The Company runs 73 multiplexes in about forty cities in India. Along with Bharuch, the INOX has opened two cinemas in Gujarat state in India. The multiplex was rewarded with various awards such as Icici Entertainment Retailer, Emerging Superbrand, etc in the entertainment industry. INOX had started its operations in 1999, since then it acquires and increases chances at the constant rate to achieve a good position in the comparative market. Calcutta Cinema Private Ltd (in 2007) and Fame India Limited (in 2013) were Combined with the company. Fame India Limited had operations all over the country. The company has the outstanding facility in projection, sound systems, interiors, hygiene, theatre food, seating, etc. The address and contact number of Inox Bharuch is also used for fame Bharuch, Inox Bharuch movie timings, Inox Bharuch online booking, Inox shree rang palace zadeshwar road and Inox Bharuch upcoming movies.

Phone Booking No: +91-2642-228844

Inox Bharuch Address

The address of Inox Bharuch is Shree Rang Palace, Zadeshwar Road, Bharuch 392 001 Gujarat, India.

Inox Bharuch Website

The Website of Inox Bharuch is

Inox Bharuch Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Inox Bharuch is +91- 2642-228833, +91- 2642-228844 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Inox Bharuch Service Center and Inox Bharuch customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Inox Bharuch customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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